Perry & Haas Attorneys
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615 N. Upper Broadway
Suite 1415
P.O. Box 1500 (78403)
Corpus Christi, TX 78401
Phone: 361-880-7500
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Environmental Defense Fund

Public Awareness Campaign

Something is wrong when breathing air and drinking water can be deadly. That's exactly what's happening, because millions of pounds of chemicals are released into our air and water each year. Some definitely cause cancer. Others might. And with some, frankly, we have no idea what they might do to the human body. The worst part is, we're living in a county that ranks in the top 25 for chemical pollution. But there's something you can do - you can arm yourself with information. We urge you to call the Environmental Defense Fund at 512-478-5161, or visit their website at, and learn more about the pollution in our county. You can find out who the polluters are, what kinds of pollution they are releasing, and how we can stop them. That would really be something to be proud of. A community safety message brought to you by Perry & Haas.

The Environmental Defense Fund uses data from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Toxics Release Inventory.

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Past success in litigation does not guarantee success in any new or future lawsuit.
Our web site describes some of the cases that the attorneys of Perry & Haas have worked on in the past.

Our description of those cases is summary in nature.

You should be aware that the results obtained in each of the cases we have worked on was dependent on the particular facts of each case. The results of other cases will differ based on the different facts involved.